Building Stability Through Attainable Housing: Our mission is to ensure everyone has a safe, affordable place to call home. We work with communities to create housing opportunities that promote stability, dignity, and prosperity for all.
Stable, Thriving Communities for All: Our vision is to establish thriving communities where attainable housing is not only accessible but also creates a sense of belonging and dignity. Through collaboration and innovation, we strive to create sustainable solutions in housing that allow individuals and families to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to the vitality of their community.
Powerhouse CDC has worked to create a number of new communities in Hendricks County leading to dozens of families that now have safe, affordable housing. The developments are in a variety of different completion stages, some being completed with moved in residents, while others are under construction or in the planning stages.
- Increase Access to Attainable Housing: Lower income levels have access to safe, decent, and attainable housing options.
- Promote Housing Stability: Reduce homelessness and housing insecurity by providing stable and attainable housing.
- Enhance Community Vitality: Foster the development of mixed-income communities that promote economic diversity, unity, and sustainability.
- Address Specific Housing Needs: Identify and address the unique housing needs of vulnerable populations – mental health, disability, age, domestic violence, etc.
- Support Economic Stability and Mobility: Provide attainable housing opportunities in proximity to employment, transportation, and essential services to support economic mobility and access to opportunities.
- Ensure Quality Housing: Ensure that attainable housing units meet quality standards, are well-maintained, and provide amenities that are needed for stability.
- Increase Attainable Housing Stock: Develop and preserve attainable housing units through new construction, rehabilitation, and collaboration with current landlords and property managers.
- Expand Funding and Financing Options: Identify and leverage diverse funding sources, including government grants, housing tax credits, private investments, and philanthropic contributions.
- Strengthen Partnerships: Educate and collaborate with government agencies, non-profit organizations, developers, financial institutions, and community partners to maximize resources and expertise in advancing attainable housing goals.
- Address Regulatory Barriers: Advocate for policies and regulations that facilitate the development of attainable housing, including zoning reforms, streamlined permitting processes, and incentives for attainable housing development.
- Promote Equitable Development: Ensure that attainable housing initiatives are equitable and inclusive, addressing disparities in access to housing and opportunity across different communities and demographic groups.
- Provide Supportive Services: Integrate supportive services, such as case management, childcare, transportation, employment assistance, and health care, to help tenants achieve housing stability.
Recap of Sannell Lane Project